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Tiamo ♥

Daisypath Friendship tickers
''whenever i feel sad, lonely or happy..
that's when my fingers start dancing on the keyboard to make an entry..''

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Ohmygod. Its nice, isn't it?? I it !
Its Bokeh Effect. Tak pernah cube. Nanti nak cube lah. Amik black paper cardboard, then cut and shape the sheet to make a fake lens hood. Pastu nanti boleh la potong macam2 bentuk mcm bentk bintang atau ape2 je. Then lekat kat lens camera. Seperti gambar di atas yang ketiga. Wahh :D Aku tertarik gle.

p/s : The first 2 pictures are for 'him' actually. For you~ ^.^
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Grazie mille :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

For the first time :)

heee :)

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Grazie mille :)

Friday, December 17, 2010


I woke up early this morning and as soon as I unwrapped my blanket, a cold sudden breeze flowed through me without any mercy. My body shivered from the cold. The heat that was stored in my body slowly vanished because of the freezing breeze that was struggling to get into my body.

I tried finding the solution to what made me so cold. I looked outside the window and saw that it was raining cats and dogs. The sky wasn't blue as usual but it was dark with grey clouds. Somehow, I imagined how the world would be if it was in black and white. I thought for a moment but then sighed deeply.

Morning has passed even though the rain hasn't. I really hoped that it would stop raining so I could go out and have a badminton match with my sister.

My wish didn't come true for I wished that the rain would stop. However, it started drizzling and so I continued browsing the internet using my laptop with no real confidence.

When it was sunset, I immediately went to pray and then ate dinner. I hurried to my room as soon as I finished dinner. I wanted to sleep early because I had the headaches and the flu. I felt so uncomfortable because of the heat. I lay down on my soft bed with pleasure and the pain reduced slowly as I drifted into my dream..


p/s: If you dont like this kind of post , just slide your mouse towards the X button at your upward right corner and CLICK it. Easy yeah ? -,-Like it, click it! ;)
Grazie mille :)